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![]() IAMDM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Администрация Сообщений: 549 Регистрация: 9.9.2008 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 5 ![]() |
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Что касается бонусов на АП: От Крелла: +10 на вред и +13 временных хитов, если промазать по всем целям От Рива: Можно получить +6 на вред, но выдавать СА до конца своего следующего хода От Крелла за Flexible Authority: 11 временных хитов, +1 на попадание, +8 на вред или сделать базовую атаку или мув, давая при этом СА до конца своего следующего хода. |
![]() Первый Герой форума. Создатель Вундервафель! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Мастера Сообщений: 717 Регистрация: 19.10.2009 Пользователь №: 104 ![]() |
Код Ураган Бластер по прозвищу "Буран"
Good Dragonborn Male Dragon Sorcerer/Blizzard Mage/- level 14 Diety: Amaunator Languages: Common, Draconic XP: 47 000 Str 22 (9 pts, +2 Race, +4 HD) [+6] <+13> Con 12 (1 pts, +1 HD) [+1] <+8> Dex 14 (3 pts, +1 HD) [+2] <+9> Int 09 (0 pts, +1 HD) [-1] <+6> Wis 11 (0 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+7> Cha 22 (9 pts, +2 Race, +4 HD) [+5] <+13> Size: Medium, Speed: 6 squares, 18 years, height 6'8", weight 220 lbs. Hit points: 89 (Bloodied 44), Healing surge: 23 (7 surges per day), Action points: 1 Senses: Normal Vision; Passive Perception (17); Passive Insight (17) Initiative +9 (+7 level +2 dex +0 misc) Backgrounds: 1. Calimshan (+5 bonus to Endurance checks due to thrist, Resist fire (tiers): 4/7/10). 2. Veteran of a Religious War (Армейский капитан. No benefit taken). Theme: Harper Agent [DEFENCES] AC 30 (10 +7 level, +6 Str, +3 Armor, +4 Enh.) Fort 25 (10 +7 level, +6 Str, +2 Enh.) Ref 22 (10 +7 level, +2 Dex, +2 Enh., +1 Boots) Will 27 (10 +7 level, +6 Cha, +2 Enh., +2 Class, +1 Armor spec.) --- Resist: 10 Cold, 7 Fire, [color="#afeeee"]10 Necrotic[/color]. [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee: Staff +20 vs AC for 1d8+12 [7 lvl, +6 Str, +2 Prof., +3 Enh., +2 Feat], [+6 Str, +3 Enh., +3 item] Two Handed Basic melee: Dagger +19 vs AC for 1d4+9 [7 lvl, +6 Str, +3 Prof., +3 Enh.], [+6 Str, +3 Enh.] Off-hand Basic ranged: Dragonfrost +20 vs Fort, for 1d8+25+6 [7 lvl, +6 Cha, +3 Enh., +2 Feat, +1 S.I., +1 item], [...] Ranged 10 --- [...] = [+6 Cha, +6 Str, +2 Draconic Power, +3 Enh., +3 off-hand enh., +2 feat, +3 item, +6 push] = 31 --- All attacks: +1 to attack roll if bloodied, +2 to damage rolls if target bloodied. [SKILLS] (trained only) +11 Arcana (Int) [+5 Trained, -1 Int, +7 lvl] <Bonus from Class> +18 Athletics (Str) [+5 Trained, +6 Str, +7 lvl] +18 Diplomacy (Cha) [+5 Trained, +6 Cha, +7 lvl] +20 Intimidate (Cha) [+5 Trained, +6 Cha, +7 lvl, +2 Race] +18 Streetwise (Cha) [+5 Trained, +6 Cha, +7 lvl] <Bonus from MultiClass> [FEATS] [1] White Lotus Riposte [Enemy, Ураган hit with at-will, attacks him BSoYNT, get 5 damage] [2] Staff Expertise [+2 to staff attacks, Area and Ranged don't provoke OAs,+1 to reach with staff weapon attacks] [4] Superior Implement Training [Accurate staff] [6] Implement Focus [Staff] [8] Dual Implement Spellcaster [+ off-hand implement enh. to damage rolls] [10] Student of the Sword [Multiclass Fighter, + One Skill, Once per encounter: +1 to next attack roll with Two-Handed (Staff)]* [11] Draconic Arrogance [Whenever push or knock prone an enemy, deal damage equal Str mod. (5)] [12] White Lotus Master Riposte [Enemy, Ураган hit with at-will, attacks him BSoYNT, get that at-will again as IR] [14] Armor Proficiency [Leather] --- [RACIAL TRAITS] +2 Str, +2 Cha; +2 History, +2 Intimidate; Dragonborn Fury (+1 to attack rolls while bloodied); Draconic Heritage (+Con mod to HS); Dragon Breath (Str, Cold) [CLASS FEATURES] Power Source: Arcane Armor Proficiencies: Cloth Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged. Implements: Daggers, Staffs Bonus to Defense: +2 Will Spell Source: Dragon Magic - Draconic Power: Bonus to damage rolls of arcane powers Str mod.+2 => [5]+2. Draconic Resilience: While not wearing heavy armor, Str mod. in place of Dex or Int mod. to AC. Dragon Soul: Resist 10 Cold. Arcane powers ignore any target's resistance to that damage type up to the value of your resistance. Scales of the Dragon: The first time you become bloodied during an encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to AC UEoE. === [PARAGON PATH FEATURES] [11 lvl] Icy Action: Whenever spend an action point to make an attack, each creature hit or miss with the attack is slowed (SE) Walk through Winter: While immobilized, can shift 1 square. While slowed, speed is 3, instead of 2. [POWERS] At-Will: === Burning Spray [1] Dragonfrost <RBA> [1] --- <+2 to dmg rolls if target bloodied> Encounter: === Harper Pin [Theme] {Lliira's grace or Mielikki's endurance or Tymora's luck} Dragon Breath [R] Poisonous Exhalation [3] Rimestorm [7] Winter's Clutch <B.M.> [11] Primordial Storm [13] --- <+2 to dmg rolls if target bloodied> Utility: === Spatial Trip [2] Everybody Move [6] Maiden's Waking [10] Cloak of Freezing Wind <B.M.> [12] [Daily] --- <+2 to dmg rolls if target bloodied> Daily: === Lightning Breath [1] Thunder Leap [5] Winds of Change [9] --- <+2 to dmg rolls if target bloodied> [EQUIPMENT] - Prime Equipment: -- Accurate staff of Ruin +3 (13 lvl, 4 lb.) Free [Properties: +1 to attack rolls, enh. as item bonus to damage rolls, 3d10 on critical] -- Haunted Feyleather Armor +4 -- Harper Pin [Lliira's grace/Mielikki's endurance/Tymora's luck] -- Magic Dagger +3 (11 lvl, 1 lb.) Free [Properties: -, 3d6 on critical] -- Cloak of Distortion +2 (4200 gp, - lb.) [Properties: Enh. as item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from 6+ sq. away] -- Boots of Quickness (heroic tier) (3400 gp, - lb.) [Properties: +1 bonus to Reflex] -- Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier) ( 840 gp, - lb.) [Properties: +2 bonus to damage rolls against bloodied targets] -- Eagle Eye Googles (heroic tier) ( 520 gp, - lb.) [Properties: +1 item bonus to ranged basic attack rolls] Loot: -- Dice of Auspicious Fortune -- Githweave Armor of Resistance +3 (12 lvl, 2 lb.) Free [Properties: Resist 10 necrotic] -- Quickbeam staff of Forceful Rebuking +3 -- Draconic Orb (Или как его там... Лут от магов) - Adventuring Gear: -- Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb.) -- Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lb.) -- Belt Pouch (1 gp, ,5 lb.) -- Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lb.) -- Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb.) -- Hempen rope (50 ft) (1 gp, 10 lb.) -- Rations, trail (5 gp, 10 lb.) -- Identification Papers with Portrait (5 gp, -- lb.) -- Travel Papers (2 sp, -- lb.) -- Torch (10) (1 gp, 10 lb.) ======= Gold left: 22,7 gp Load: 52,5 lb. -------------------- You can never ambush the spacemarine.
We are the Imperial's finest! "Let's stop the violence" © - О! Эрсум! Давно тебя не видели... Смотри, какие щёки розовые! Свежий воздух, не иначе. По грибы ходил, небось? - Нет, по рунам... |
![]() Опытный ![]() ![]() Группа: Игроки Сообщений: 244 Регистрация: 13.4.2010 Из: Hellfire Academy Пользователь №: 206 ![]() |
Код Fierna
Unaligned Tiefling Female Hybrid Warlock|Wizard / Master of Flame 14 Level Age: 25 Diety: Asmodeus Character Theme: Scholar Languages: Common, All Backgrounds: Geography - Urban, Occupation - Scholar, Society - Noble, Fire in Your Veins, Dark Contract (Infernal), Hellfire Heir (+2 Arcane) Str 9 -- (+1 11 level) [-1] Con 21 -- (+3 4,8,11,14 level) [+5] Dex 11 -- (+1 11 level) [+0] Int 21 -- (+2 Race + 3 4,8,11,14 level) [+4] Wis 11 -- (+1 11 level) [+0] Cha 16 -- (+2 Race + 1 11 level) [+3] Size: Medium, Speed: 6 squares Hit points: 84/84 (Bloodied 42) Healing surge: 21 (11/11 surges per day) Action points: 1(1) Senses: Low Light Vision; Passive Perception (17); Passive Insight (17) Initiative +7 (+7 level) [DEFENCES] AC 25 (10 +7 level +5 INT +3 Enchantment) Fort 26 (10 +7 level +5 CON +4 Enchantment) Ref 26 (10 +7 level +5 INT +4 Enchantment) Will 27 (10 +7 level +3 CHA +1 Class +4 Enchantment +1 Armor) [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee : Not aviable Basic ranged: Hellish Blast: + 19 vs Ref (7 Level + 5 CON + 3 Enchantment + 1 Item + 1 Feat + 1 Hellfire Blood + 1 Superior Implement) (range 10) for 1d10+23 (5 CON + 3 Enchantment + 2 Item + 3 Feat + 2 Hellish Blast + 3 Blood Pact of Cania + 1 Hellfire Blood + 2 Deadly + 2 Pyromancer) [SKILLS] (trained only) +19 Arcana (5 Trainig + 7 Level +5 INT + 2 Background) +17 Bluff (5 Trainig + 7 Level +3 CHA + 2 Race) +17 History (5 Trainig + 7 Level +5 INT) +17 Religion (5 Trainig + 7 Level +5 INT)* * Scholar Training Skill [SKILLS] (untrained only) Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +9, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +11, Heal +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +9, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +11,Stealth +8, Streetwise +9, Thievery +6, Athletics +5 [FEATS] Level 1: Hellfire Blood Level 2: Hellish Blast Level 4: Hellfire Arcanist Level 6: Wizard's Wrath Level 8: Blood Pact of Cania Level 10: Superior Implement Training (Dragontooth wand) Level 11: Hybrid Talent (Arcane Implenet Mastery - Tome of Binding) Level 12: Wand Expertise Level 14: School of Magic Apprentice (Pyromancer) [RACIAL TRAITS] +2 INT, +2 CHA; +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth; Bloodhunt Fire Resistance 12; Wizard's Wraith [CLASS FEATURES] Armor Proficiencies: Cloth Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged Implements: Orb,Rod,Staff,Tome, Wand Bonus to Defense: +1 Will Cantrips Infernal Pact [Hybrid] Warlock Curse [Hybrid] [PARAGON PATH FEATURES] Combustive Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you deal fire damage equal to your level to each enemy adjacent to you. Critical Conflagration (11th level): Whenever you score a critical hit with an arcane fire attack, one creature you hit with the attack takes ongoing fire damage equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (save ends). [POWERS] AT-WILL: [C] Eldricht Blast (CON) [C] Scorching Burst [C] Ghost Sound [C] Mage Hand [C] Light [c] Prestidigitation ENCOUNTER: [1] Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation (retrained to Frostburn at 13th level) [3] Fiery Bolt [7] Fire Burst [PP] Fanning the Flames [R] Wizard's Wraith [E] Hellish Rebuke UTILITY: [2] Ethereal Stride [6] Fire Shield [10] Defensive Lore [PP] Burning Transformation DAILY: [1] Fountain of Flame [5] Hellsworn Blessing [9] Summon Hellhound [EQUIPMENT] BODY: Repulsion Githweave Armor +3 MAIN HAND: Hellfire Dragontooth wand +3 HEAD: Eagle Eye Goggles (heroic tier) NECK: Cloak of Burgeoning Shadow +4 ARMS: Executioner's Bracers (heroic tier) HANDS: Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (heroic tier) Feet: Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier) TATOO: Fireheart Tattoo (heroic tier) INVENTORY: Adventurer's Kit, Flame Rose (heroic tier)*3 Gold Left 345 gp |
![]() Опытный ![]() ![]() Группа: Игроки Сообщений: 163 Регистрация: 19.8.2010 Из: Cormyr Пользователь №: 229 ![]() |
Код Remar
Unaligned Human Male Battlerager Fighter/Kulkor Arms Master/- level 13 Diety: Tempus Languages: Common, Goblin XP: 39 000 Str 21 (9 pts, +2 Race, +3 HD) [+5] <+11> Con 19 (9 pts, +3 HD) [+4] <+10> Dex 12 (1 pts, +1 HD) [+1] <+07> Int 11 (0 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+06> Wis 14 (3 pts, +1 HD) [+2] <+08> Cha 09 (0 pts, +1 HD) [-1] <+05> Size: Medium, Speed: 5 squares, 26 years, height 6'2", weight 160 lbs Hit points: 106 (Bloodied 53), Healing surge: 26 (13 surges per day), Action points: 1 Senses: Normal Vision; Passive Perception (18); Passive Insight (25) Initiative +8 (+6 level, +1 dex, +1 item) Backgrounds: Cormyr (General) (Add Insight to class skill list, +2 bonus to Insight checks, +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects) Borderland Nobility (No benefit) [DEFENCES] AC 29 30* (10 +6 level, +8 Armor, +3 Enh, +2 Shield) Fort 27 (10 +6 level, +5 Str, +1 racial, +3 Enh, +2 Class) Ref 23 24* (10 +6 level, +1 Dex, +1 racial, +3 Enh, +2 Shield) Will 22 (10 +6 level, +2 Wis, +1 racial, +3 Enh) --- * - when shift, gain +1 item bonus to AC and Ref defense UERNT Resist: - / 5 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder* --- * - after spend action point gain resist to the chosen damage type UEE [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee: Khopesh +17 vs AC for 1d8+12 [6 lvl, +5 Str, +2 Prof, +3 Enh, +1 Feat], [+5 Str, +3 Enh, +2 feat, +2 item] One-Handed Basic melee: Battleaxe +18 vs AC for 1d10+13 [6 lvl, +5 Str, +2 Prof, +4 Enh, +1 Feat], [+5 Str, +4 Enh, +2 feat, +2 item] One-Handed --- All attacks: +2 to attack rolls with opportunity attack +4 to damage rolls with opportunity attack +5 to damage rolls against a prone target +2 to damage rolls whenever have temporary hit points +2 to damage rolls once per round against an enemy marked by Remar +2 to damage rolls if target bloodied [TRAINED SKILLS] +15 Athletics (Str) [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl, -3 Armor, +2 feat] +15 Endurance (Con) [+5 Trained, +4 Con, +6 lvl, -3 Armor, +3 item] +15 Insight (Wis) [+5 Trained, +2 Wis, +6 lvl, +2 Background] +16 Intimidate (Str)* [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl] --- * - with Cincture of the Dragon Spirit [UNTRAINED SKILLS] +04 Acrobatics (Dex) [+1 Dex, +6 lvl, -3 Armor] +06 Arcana (Int) [+0 Int, +6 lvl] +05 Bluff (Cha) [-1 Cha, +6 lvl] +05 Diplomacy (Cha) [-1 Cha, +6 lvl] +08 Dungeoneering (Wis) [+2 Wis, +6 lvl] +08 Heal (Wis) [+2 Wis, +6 lvl] +06 History (Int) [+0 Int, +6 lvl] +08 Nature (Wis) [+2 Wis, +6 lvl] +08 Perception (Wis) [+2 Wis, +6 lvl] +06 Religion (Int) [+0 Int, +6 lvl] +04 Stealth (Dex) [+1 Dex, +6 lvl, -3 Armor] +05 Streetwise (Cha) [-1 Cha, +6 lvl] +04 Thievery (Dex) [+1 Dex, +6 lvl, -3 Armor] [FEATS] [BF] Weapon Focus (Axe) [Gain +1 damage per tier with axes] [01] Weapon Expertise (Axe) [Gain bonus to attacks rolls with axes] [02] Shield Push [Push 1 square to target hit by Combat Challenge attack] [04] Mobile Challenge [Shift 1 with hit from Combat Challenge] [06] Savage Axe [Constitution modifier extra damage with opportunity attacks] [08] Headsman's Chop [5 extra damage to prone target when using axe or heavy blade] [10] Kulkor Battlearm Student [+2 Athletics; augment at-wills] [11] Marked Scourge [Add Wis modifier to damage against marked enemy] [12] Hindering Shield [Slow enemies that you pull, push, or slide when using shield] [RACIAL TRAITS] +2 Str; Bonus At-Will Power, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill, Human Bonus Defense [CLASS FEATURES] Power Source: Matrial Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainemail, scale; heavy shields, light shields Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged Bonus to Defense: +2 Fort === Fighter: Combat Superiority Fighter Talent: Battlerager Vigor === [PARAGON PATH FEATURES] [11 lvl] Kulkor Master: If you use an axe, a hammer or a mace that has the versatile property to hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, that enemy grants combat advantage to all creatures USNT Kulkor Persistence: When you spend an action point to attack with an axe, a hammer, or a mace that has the versatile property, and that attack misses every target, you can reroll one attack roll but must use the second result [POWERS] At-Will: === Tide of Iron* [01] Crushing Surge [01] Weapon Master's Strike [01] --- * - +2 to damage rolls against an enemy granting CA Encounter: === Bull Charge [03] Come and Get It [07] Arms Master Challenge [PP] Bash and Pummel [13] (replaces Hack and Hew) Utility: === Pass Forward [02] Daring Shot [06] Fighter's Grit [10] Tempered in Blood [PP] Daily: === Driving Attack [01] Rain of Steel [05] Thicket of Blades [09] [EQUIPMENT] Dynamic Mordenkrad +4 -> Dynamic Battleaxe +4 Withering Khopesh +3 (13 lvl, 8 lb., free) Dwarven Braidmail Armor +3 (12 lvl, 40 lb., free) Amulet of Protection +3 (11 lvl, -- lb., free) Boots of the Fencing Master (7 lvl, -- lb., 2600 gp) Cincture of the Dragon Spirit (6 lvl, -- lb., 1800 gp) Iron Armbands of Power (6 lvl, -- lb., 1800 gp) Gauntlets of Blood (4 lvl, -- lb., 840 gp) Casque of Tactics (4 lvl, -- lb., 840 gp) Demonskin Tattoo (3 lvl, -- lb., 680 gp) Restful Bedroll (1 lvl, -- lb., 360 gp) Dagger (1 lb., 1 gp) Handaxe (3 lb., 5 gp) Heavy Shield (15 lb., 10 gp) Adventurer's Kit (33 lb., 15 gp) === Gold left: 49 gp Load: 100 lb. -------------------- My axe be bloody ready
©Korgan |
![]() IAMDM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Администрация Сообщений: 549 Регистрация: 9.9.2008 Из: Москва Пользователь №: 5 ![]() |
Код Reeve
Male Half-Elf Bard/Dragonslayer/- 13 Total XP ??? Good Deity: Oghma Str 14 [+2|+8] Con 18 [+4|+10] Dex 14 [+2|+8] Int 12 [+1|+7] Wis 9 [-1|+5] Cha 22 [+6|+11] Size: Medium Speed: 5 (in Scale armor) Background: Among Other Race (+2 Intimidate) Languages: Common, Draconic Hit points: 90/90 (Bloodied 45) Healing surge: 22 (11/11 surges per day) Initiative +8 (+6 level +2 Dex) Defenses: AC 29 (10 +6 level +9 Armor +3 Enh +1 Shield) Fortitude 23 (10 +6 level +4 Con +3 Enh) Reflex 23 (10 +6 level +2 Dex +3 Enh +1 Class +1 Shield) Will 26 (10 +6 level +6 Cha +3 Enh +1 Class) Senses: Low-light Vision; Passive Perception (16); Passive Insight (18) [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee: +15 vs. AC, 1d8+9 damage (Harmonic Songblade +3) [SKILLS] Trained: Arcana (+12), Bluff (+17), Diplomacy (+19), Endurance (+15), Intimidate (+19), Religion (+12), Streetwise (+17) [FEATS] [1] Soldier of the Faith [B] Ritual Caster [2] Bravura Leader [4] Armor Proficiency (Scale) [6] Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade, Wand) [8] Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) [10] Acolyte Power (Wrath of the Gods) [11] Versatile Master [12] Adept Power (Majestic Halo) [POWERS] AT-WILL: Staggering Note (+16 vs. Will, 6 damage, push 2, subject to MBA) War Song Strike (+19 vs. AC, 1d8+13 damage, any ally gains 4 THP when hitting target UENT) Ardent Strike (+19 vs. AC, 1d8+13, divine sanction, use in charge) ENCOUNTER: Focused Sound (Range 10, +16 vs. Ref, 1d10+11 thunder, attacks score crit on 18-20 vs. target UENT) Earthquake Strike (+19 vs. AC, 2d8+13 and knock prone, UENT allies within 10 squares knock prone targets they hit; Effect: UENT allies gain +4 bonus to damage rolls) Scorpion's Claw Strike (+19 vs. AC, 2d8+13, slide an ally adjacent to target to another square adjacent to target, ally gets +4 power bonus to AC) Challenging Smite (target must be marked, +19 vs. AC, 3d8+13, your mark deals +10 damage USNT) UTILITY: Omnious Threat (Free, Melee 1, Encounter; You hit en enemy with melee attack: You mark the targer UENT) Wrath of the Gods (Minor, Close 1, Daily; You and allies in burst add +6 to hit and damager rolls UEE) Perfect Pitch (Minor, Daily; UEE you gain +2 damage with bard powers and heal +6 hp with bard healing powers) Deflect the Blast (Interrupt, Melee 1, Encounter; Close or Area attack damages you: You and one adjacent ally take half damage) DAILY: Slayer's Song (+19 vs. AC, 2d8+13 and CA (SE), Miss half; UEE when you hit enemy that enemy grant CA UENT) Majestic Halo (+19 vs. AC, 3d8+13 radiant, Miss half; UEE each enemy that starts adjacent to you is sanctioned) Wail of Anguish (Minor; UEE as a opportunity action for starting in 3 squares: +16 vs. Will, 6 damage and target can't shift UENT) [EQUIPMENT] -- Armor: Bloodiron Wyvernscale +3 -- Weapon: Harmonic Songblade Longsword +3 -- Neck: Amulet of Protection +3 -- Arms: Iron Armbands of Power -- Feet: Acrobat Boots -- Shield: Darkleaf Light Shield 815 gp 2х Healing potion; 2x Gravespawn Potion; [RITUALS] Traveler's Chant Brew Potion Wizard's Escape Sending Phantom Steed Disenchant Magic Item Magic Circle Transfer Enchantment Knock Enchant Magic Item Dark Light Arcane Lock Endure Elements Wizard's Curtain Unseen Servant Tenser's Floating Disk Silence Purify Water Make Whole Glib Limerick Comprehend Language Comrade's Succor Raise Dead Remove Affliction Cure Disease Gentle Repose Hand of Fate |
Ветеран ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Мастера Сообщений: 362 Регистрация: 16.4.2010 Пользователь №: 207 ![]() |
Код ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Karo, level 13 Human, Swordmage, Sigil Carver Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Shielding Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade) Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade) Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Thunder Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Genasi) Arcane Admixture Power: Sword Burst Background: Camp Follower, Birth - Among Another Race, Child of Fate, Early Life - Kidnapped (Stealth class skill) FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 13, Con 16, Dex 15, Int 22, Wis 11, Cha 9. STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 12, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 8. AC: 28 (30 if off hand free, +1 if shift) Fort: 22 Reflex: 26(27 if shift) Will: 21 HP: 103 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 25 TRAINED SKILLS Stealth +13 (14 in CC), Arcana +17, Athletics +12, Endurance +14, History +17 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +8, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +5, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +12, Streetwise +5, Thievery +8 FEATS Human: Intelligent Blademaster (retrained to Greater Aegis of Shielding at Level 12) Level 1: Versatile Expertise Level 2: Coordinated Explosion Level 4: Steady Feet (retrained to Arcane Reach at Level 11) Level 6: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) (retrained to Weapon Focus (Light Blade) at Level 8) Level 8: Superior Implement Training (Resonating dagger) Level 10: Dual Implement Spellcaster Level 11: Arcane Admixture Level 12: Resounding Thunder POWERS +2 dam vs blooded, +1d6 extra dam on crit Bonus At-Will Power: Sword Burst (+16 vs ref, close burst 1 or 2, origin point no more than 2 sq from Karo; 1d6+20 if 2 daggers, 1d6+14 if one) Swordmage at-will 1: Booming Blade (+19vsAC, 1d4+11 if target moves away 1d6+3 thunder dam) Swordmage at-will 1: Frostwind Blade (+19vsAC, 1d4+11 another marked target takes 3 cold dam) Swordmage daily 1: Dance of the Sword (Close burst 2, 16vsWill, 1d8+14target can't shift or make oport attacks, save ends, origin no more 2 sq away from Karo) Swordmage utility 2: Dimensional Warp (swap places through teleport, Karo+1or2allies no more than 3 close burst ) retrained to Swordmage utility 2: Arcane Mutterings at 13 (encounter, make arcana instead of bluff,diplomace or intimidate) Swordmage encounter 3: Dimensional Vortex (16vsWill interupt, when ally hitted by melee attack, ranged 10, teleport target 5 sq, target makes its melee attack vs creature Karo chooses, if marked by aegis it makes 3 extra dam) Swordmage daily 5: Swordmage Shielding Fire(16vsFort, 1 target, 2d10+11, close burst 10, origin no more than 2 sq from Karo) Swordmage utility 6: Armathor's Step (Karo teleports 5 sq, if adjacent to enemy +2 to hit vs that enemy) Swordmage encounter 7: Transposing Lunge (19vsAC, 2d4+11, can be used instead of aegis, teleport target adjacent to Karo) Swordmage daily 9: Troll Rampage (19 vsAC, 2d4+11, gain reg 5 untill not bloodied) Swordmage utility 10: Inpenetrapable Warding (Warding to all DEF, not just AC, Stance) Swordmage encounter 13: Hypnotic Swordplay (replaces Foesnare) +16vs will, melee 1, 6 damage & target is stunned until end of Karo's next turn) ITEMS Drowmesh of Aegis Expansion +3, Jagged Resonating dagger +3, Challenge-Seeking Resonating dagger +3, Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier), Executioner's Bracers (heroic tier), Casque of Tactics (heroic tier), Muleback Harness (heroic tier), Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier), Hunter's Flint (heroic tier), Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Camouflaged Clothing, Everburning Torch, Grappling Hook, Silk Rope (50 ft.), Standard Identification Papers, Travel Papers, Waterskin, Flask (empty), Journeybreads (10), Handaxe, Fine Clothing, Trail Rations (10), Deep-Pocket Cloak +2 GP LEFT - 37,67 ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ====== |
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beta-версия, но в целом всё как тут:
Код Крелл "Нар"
Unaligned Human Male Warlord/Infernal Strategist/- level 13 Diety: Tempus Languages: Common, Deep Speech XP: 32 000 Str 20 (00 pts, +2 Race, +3 HD) [+5] <+11> Con 11 (00 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+06> Dex 11 (00 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+06> Int 14 (03 pts, +1 HD) [+2] <+08> Wis 09 (00 pts, +1 HD) [-1] <+05> Cha 20 (00 pts, +3 HD) [+5] <+11> Size: Medium, Speed: 5 squares Hit points: 93 (Bloodied 46), Healing surge: 23 (8 surges per day), Action points: 1 Senses: Normal Vision; Passive Perception (15); Passive Insight (15) Initiative +9 (+6 level, +2 feat , +1 item) Backgrounds: Narfell (General) (in construction) [DEFENCES] AC 30 31* (10 +6 level, +9 Armor, +3 Enh, +2 Shield, +1 Class) Fort 25 (10 +6 level, +5 Str, +1 racial, +2 Enh) Ref 23 24* (10 +6 level, +1 Dex, +1 racial, +2 Enh, +2 Shield) Will 25 30** (10 +6 level, +2 Wis, +1 racial, +2 Enh, +1 Class) --- * - when shift, gain +1 item bonus to AC and Ref defense UtEoYNT ** - +5 Feat bonus against fear effects Resist: - / - --- [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee: Withering Longsword +3, +18 vs AC for 1d8+12 [6 lvl, +5 Str, +3 Prof, +3 Enh, +1 Feat], [+5 Str, +3 Enh, +2 feat, +2 item] One-Handed --- All attacks: +5[CHA] to damage rolls when flanking [SKILLS] (trained only) +15 Athletics (Str) [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl -3 Armor +2 feat] +14 Endurance (Con) [+5 Trained, +0 Con, +6 lvl -3 Armor +3 Narfell] +16 Intimidate (Cha) [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl] +16 Diplomacy (Cha) [+5 Trained, +5 Cha, +6 lvl] +13 History (Int) [+5 Trained, +2 Int, +6 lvl] NARFELL REGIONAL BENEFIT You add Endurance to your class skill list, and you gain a +3 bonus to Endurance checks. [FEATS] [H] Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with scale armor and one extra healing surge [1] Battle Hardened - +5 to saving throws against fear, +2 to initiative checks [2] Saving Inspiration - Ally gains saving throw with inspiring word [4] Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - Gain +1 damage per tier with Heavy Blades [6] Toughness - Gain 5 additional hit points per tier [8] Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade) - Gain bonus to attack rolls with heavy blades [10] Action Surge - +3 to attacks when you spend an action point [11] Fight On - Gain one additional use of inspiring word as encounter power [12] Versatile Word - Inspiring word target can shift or gain bonus to AC [RACIAL TRAITS] +2 Str; Bonus At-Will Power, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill, Human Bonus Defense [CLASS FEATURES] Power Source: Matrial Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainemail, scale; heavy shields, light shields Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged Bonus to Defense: Warlord bonus === Warlord: Battlefront Leader Presence: Resourceful Presence - Ally who sees you and spends action point to attack gets damage bonus (1/2 level + Int mod); if attack hits no targets, ally gains temp hp (1/2/ level + Cha mod) Healing: Inspiring Word - Use inspiring word as an encounter (special) power, minor action. (3 in encounter) === [PARAGON PATH FEATURES] [11 lvl] Felling Action: Spend action point to allow ally who sees and hears you to reroll attack roll Infernal Pincer: You and flanking ally add Cha mod[+5] to damage against foe you both flank [POWERS] At-Will: === Brash Assault [01] Wolf Pack Tactics [01] Direct the Strike [01] Encounter: === Second Wind [01] Battlefront Shift [01] Inspiring Word [01] Death from Two Sides [13] ex Vengeance is Mine[01] Devastating Offensive [03] Provoke Overextension [07] Deciever's Ploy [11] Utility: === Adaptive Stratagem [02] Martial Vigor [06] Instant Planning [10] Flexible Authority [12] Daily: === Lamb to the Slaughter [01] Stand the Fallen [05] Knock Them Down [09] [EQUIPMENT] Withering Longsword +3 (13 lvl, 8 lb., 17000 gp - free) Dwarven Wyvernscale Armor +3 (12 lvl, 40 lb., 13000 gp - free) Diamond Cincture (heroic tier) (10 lvl, -- lb., 5020 gp - free) Healer's Brooch +2 (9 lvl, -- lb., 4200 gp) Boots of the Fencing Master (7 lvl, -- lb., 2600 gp) Iron Armbands of Power (6 lvl, -- lb., 1800 gp) Casque of Tactics (4 lvl, -- lb., 0840 gp) Gloves of Piercing (heroic) (3 lvl, -- lb., 0680 gp) // total spend 9810 Dagger (1 lb., 1 gp) Heavy Shield (15 lb., 10 gp) Adventurer's Kit (33 lb., 15 gp) === Gold left: 38 gp Load: 97 lb. |
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Код Orb of Draconic Majesty +3 (14 Level)
Dice of Auspicious Fortune (11 Level) - Hurricane Haunted Feyleather Armor +4 (17 Level) Residuum 2930 |
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Всем привет! Обновлённый чарник Крелла. С моими соображениями по поводу изменений.
Заранее хочу заметить, что я руководствовался больше своими мыслями о том, как должен действовать в бою Resourceful Warlord, которые описаны как люди, не придерживающиеся какой-то одной тактики, а гибко и динамично подстраивающиеся под любые ошибки врага в сражении. Код Крелл "Нар" Unaligned Human Male Warlord/Infernal Strategist/- level 13 Deity: Tempus Languages: Common, Deep Speech XP: 32 000 Str 20 (00 pts, +2 Race, +3 HD) [+5] <+11> Con 11 (00 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+06> Dex 11 (00 pts, +1 HD) [+0] <+06> Int 14 (03 pts, +1 HD) [+2] <+08> Wis 09 (00 pts, +1 HD) [-1] <+05> Cha 20 (00 pts, +3 HD) [+5] <+11> Size: Medium, Speed: 5 squares Hit points: 93 (Bloodied 46), Healing surge: 23 (8 surges per day), Action points: 1 Senses: Normal Vision; Passive Perception (15); Passive Insight (15) Initiative +7 (+6 level, +1 item) Backgrounds: Narfell (General) (Add Endurance to class skill list and gain a +3 bonus to Endurance checks) [DEFENCES] AC 30 31* (10 +6 level, +9 Armor, +3 Enh, +2 Shield) Fort 26 (10 +6 level, +5 Str, +1 racial, +2 Enh, +1 item, +1 Class) Ref 23 24* (10 +6 level, +1 Dex, +1 racial, +2 Enh, +2 Shield) Will 25 (10 +6 level, +2 Wis, +1 racial, +2 Enh, +1 Class) --- * - when shift, gain +1 item bonus to AC and Ref defense UtEoYNT Resist: - / - --- [BASIC ATTACKS] Basic melee: Withering Longsword +3, +18 vs AC for 1d8+10 [6 lvl, +5 Str, +3 Prof, +3 Enh, +1 Feat], [+5 Str, +3 Enh, +2 item] One-Handed --- All attacks: +5[CHA] to damage rolls when flanking [SKILLS] (trained only) +15 Athletics (Str) [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl -3 Armor +2 feat] +14 Endurance (Con) [+5 Trained, +0 Con, +6 lvl -3 Armor +3 Narfell] +16 Intimidate (Cha) [+5 Trained, +5 Str, +6 lvl] +16 Diplomacy (Cha) [+5 Trained, +5 Cha, +6 lvl] +13 History (Int) [+5 Trained, +2 Int, +6 lvl] NARFELL REGIONAL BENEFIT You add Endurance to your class skill list, and you gain a +3 bonus to Endurance checks. [FEATS] [H] Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with scale armor and one extra healing surge [1] Lend Might - +1 bonus to attacks, granted by the warlord to his allies ag. adjacent enemies [2] Saving Inspiration - Ally gains saving throw with inspiring word [4] Improved Resources - Add +2 to dam bonus and thp, granted by REsourceful Presence [6] Toughness - Gain 5 additional hit points per tier [8] Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade) - Gain bonus to attack rolls with heavy blades [10] Action Surge - +3 to attacks when you spend an action point [11] Fight On - Gain one additional use of inspiring word as encounter power [12] Versatile Word - Inspiring word target can shift or gain bonus to AC [RACIAL TRAITS] +2 Str; Bonus At-Will Power, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill, Human Bonus Defense [CLASS FEATURES] Power Source: Martial Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainemail, scale; heavy shields, light shields Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged Bonus to Defense: Warlord bonus === Warlord: Battlefront Leader Presence: Resourceful Presence - Ally who sees you and spends action point to attack gets damage bonus (1/2 level + Int mod); if attack hits no targets, ally gains temp hp (1/2 level + Cha mod) Healing: Inspiring Word - Use inspiring word as an encounter (special) power, minor action. (3 in encounter) === [PARAGON PATH FEATURES] [11 lvl] Felling Action: Spend action point to allow ally who sees and hears you to reroll attack roll Infernal Pincer: You and flanking ally add Cha mod[+5] to damage against foe you both flank [POWERS] At-Will: === Intuitive Strike [01] Wolf Pack Tactics [01] Direct the Strike [01] Encounter: === Second Wind [01] Battlefront Shift [01] Inspiring Word [01] Death from Two Sides [13] ex Vengeance is Mine[01] Devastating Offensive [03] Provoke Overextension [07] Deciever's Ploy [11] Utility: === Adaptive Stratagem [02] Stand Tough [06] Instant Planning [10] Flexible Authority [12] Daily: === Lamb to the Slaughter [01] Stand the Fallen [05] Force of Fellowship [09] [EQUIPMENT] Withering Longsword +3 (13 lvl, 8 lb., 17000 gp - free) Dwarven Wyvernscale Armor +3 (12 lvl, 40 lb., 13000 gp - free) Diamond Cincture (heroic tier) (10 lvl, -- lb., 5020 gp - free) Healer's Brooch +2 (9 lvl, -- lb., 4200 gp) Boots of the Fencing Master (7 lvl, -- lb., 2600 gp) Iron Armbands of Power (6 lvl, -- lb., 1800 gp) Casque of Tactics (4 lvl, -- lb., 0840 gp) Gloves of Piercing (heroic) (3 lvl, -- lb., 0680 gp) // total spend 9810 Dagger (1 lb., 1 gp) Heavy Shield (15 lb., 10 gp) Adventurer's Kit (33 lb., 15 gp) === Gold left: 38 gp Load: 97 lb. Feats. Battle Hardened заменён на Lend Might, ибо Крелл даёт множество атак, и безымянный бонус к этим атакам кажется достойным баффом. Weapon Focus, чрезвычайно полезный для лидера, заменён на Improved Resources. Versatile Word заменён на Vexing Flanker, имхо, более полезный с учётом тактики Крелла в бою. Powers. Provoke Overextension, почти полностью дублирующий другие силы Крелла, заменён на Stirring Force. Я пытался избежать излишней концентрации способностей на одно-единственное. Всё-таки Resourceful Warlord по бэку - человек, который гибко подстраивается под любые изменения тактической обстановки на поле. Martial Vigor неплохая лечилка, но таких неплохих у Крелла итак полно. А вот Stand Tough - очень мощная лечилка "на крайний случай", подойдёт его арсеналу гораздо больше. Knock Them Down какая-то странная вообще пава. %) Я не понял её сокровенного смысла и заменил на Force of Fellowship - можную дамажащую и восстанавливающую юз IW. Upd после обсуждения с Ремаром. Provoke Overextension вернул на место, но заменил Brash Assault на Intuitive Strike. Вернул на место Versatile Word. |
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Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 17.2.2025, 4:04 |